About Us

Welcome to Riviera FM – your independent local community radio station for the whole of Torbay. Providing coverage of local activities, facilities, services and issues of particular importance to those living and working in Torbay. Although we have listeners from all over the world, we have a distinctly local focus which we have been developing since Riviera FM’s inception in 2009.

We are delighted to announce that as of 1st April 2020 Riviera FM is now broadcasting 24 hours a day on 107.9FM in Torbay. Our service will also still be available here on our website as well as on mobile apps, smartphones and anywhere else you have listened to us before.

We currently broadcast from our compact but beautifully formed studios in the heart of Torbay in Torquay at Castle Circus House. With an expert team of broadcasters and techies delivering a diverse range of shows from early morning till bedtime!

As an important part of the ethos of Riviera FM, broadcasting training is a regular feature of the station’s activities with a particular focus on helping people in recovery and student education. However, we try to accommodate all if we can.

We bring social gain to Torbay…

Unlike commercial radio stations, Riviera FM is run as a social enterprise as a not-for-profit station with funding from several different sources including businesses who are interested in reaching our listeners where costs for advertising on commercial radio would normally be prohibitive.

Operating profits from advertising are fed into securing and improving future provision of the Riviera FM service, contributing to local charities (such as Devon Air Ambulance) and initiatives in the community.

All of our presenters are volunteers and supplement the running of the station, promoting volunteering and work placements. Riviera FM promotes the free flow of information, opinion and encourages creative expression through our presenters, combined with an eclectic mix of brilliant music.

Check out our weekly schedule to see the wide range of shows being broadcast covering community news, health and well-being, music quizzes, and an extensive choice of music genre from Country to Contemporary.

Local choice…

Riviera FM is independent of any radio network and is the station of choice for those wishing to appeal to local consumers and businesses in the Torbay area. We have a close liaison with BBC Radio Devon who were advisors to Riviera FM during its start-up period.

Local news is generated in our studio and national news is obtained from professional sources. This is broadcast on the hour, every hour 24 hours a day. Local travel and weather news is broadcast frequently from our studios.

Local annual events in Torbay are covered with our mobile roadshows, with Riviera FM presenters making themselves available to host at local venues and to greatly assist with fundraising.

Phone-in programmes are also hosted on a regular basis allowing local residents the chance to air their views and guests are invited into the studio at regular intervals to talk about a wide range of interesting topics. Listeners can become actively involved through all social media.

Riviera FM serves the community of Torbay in an effective, professional way and applies a good code of practice as standard in all its procedures. We strengthen links between the community and local groups by having broad appeal with discussion, expression of opinion, information, education and training at its core.

Supporting us…

For current advertising & sponsorship opportunities please click here

Riviera FM

Your Voice In The Community

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